- Coast Guard (USCG): Great information, rules, regulations and documents on marine issues, including marine safety, environmental protection, and law enforcement. A very useful site.
- USCG Navigation Center: Information about GPS, LORAN-C, DGPS and OMEGA.
- USCG National Response Center: Useful information on reporting requirements and relevant laws by this federal point of contact for reporting oil and chemical spills.
- National Pollution Funds Center: General information on the Center, including claims filing, Certificates of Financial Responsibility and links to related sites.
- Department of Commerce (DOC): Information on business, trade, and the economy with links to a number of related sites.
- Department of Justice (DOJ): Searchable site of the US government’s own law firm, including topical index, news, information on the Freedom of Information Act and links to related sites.
- Department of State (DOS): Interesting site, including information on US foreign policy and state department services, including passports, visas, travel warnings, embassies and consulates, and “Background Notes” on the world’s nations.
- Department of Transportation (DOT): Searchable site covering all DOT entities, including the Coast Guard, the Maritime Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration.
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Searchable site, including EPA regulations and relevant US statutes.
- Federal Maritime Commission (FMC): General information relating to the FMC, including publications, news releases, strategic plans and, most notably, recent decisions and rules.
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Information on consumer protection, business guidance, competition, the economy and news and publications. Also includes rules, guides and advisory opinions.
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS): INS forms, relevant laws, regulations and information on the various activities of the INS.
- Maritime Administration (MARAD): General news and information on MARAD and a good set of links relating to US-flag carriers, American shipyards, American ports, maritime education and maritime history.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Great information relevant to the weather and the environment.
- National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB):Basic information about the NTSB and its activities, including some of its more prominent investigations and a list of publications regarding accident and investigation reports which can be ordered free of charge.
- National Weather Service: Data on the current weather (primarily US), forecasts, extensive climate data, including historical data, some for a fee.
- Marine Information: Interactive and searchable site providing access to recent analysis and forecast data for weather and marine information and archival information, some for a fee. Click on “Real Time Buoy Observations” and “Interactive Marine Observations” to access detailed, current marine information collected by sea buoys around the world.
- Office of Administrative Law Judges, Longshore Collection : Information on the Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Act.
Text of Relevant Sections of the US Code and US Constitution:
- US Constitution, Article III, Admiralty jurisdiction
- Coast Guard: Title 14
- Navigation and Navigable Waters: Title 33
- Longshore and Harborworkers Compensation Act (LHWCA): 33 U.S.C. Sec. 901-952
- Clean Water Act: 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1251 – 1387.
- Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972: 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1321
- Prevention of Pollution from Ships Act: 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 – 1911.
- Oil Pollution Act of 1990: 33 U.S.C. Sec. 2701-2764
- Protection of Environment: Title 40
- Shipping: Title 46
- Limitation of Shipowners Liability Act: 46 U.S.C. Sec. 181-89
- Harter Act: 46 U.S.C. Sec. 190-96
- Jones Act: 46 U.S.C. Sec. 688
- Admiralty Extension Act: 46 U.S.C. Sec. 740
- Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA): 46 U.S.C. Sec. 761-68
- Shipping Act: 46 U.S.C. Sec. 801-841c
- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA): 46 U.S.C. Sec. 1300-1315
- Federal Maritime Lien Act: 46 U.S.C. Sec. 31341-343
- Collision Regulations (COLREGS): 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1602
Text of Shipping Conventions and Treaties:
- United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (The Hamburg Rules) (Hamburg, 30 March 1978)
- Hague-Visby Rules (The Hague Rules as amended by the Brussels Protocol 1968)
- York-Antwerp Rules on the General Average
- Natural Resources Law: Information on natural resources law, including supranational organizations, treaties and relevant statutes from a number of nations, including the United States.
- Florida State University Admiralty and Maritime Law Library: Collection of maritime statutes, regulations, governmental agencies, international treaties and more.
- Tulane Maritime Law Journal Links: Information on the Journal and a comprehensive list of useful maritime links.
- AdmiraltyLaw.com : Useful links and information on maritime law from a Canadian perspective.
- Institute of Maritime Law: Good site with hundreds of international maritime links, including a number regarding the United Kingdom.
- University of Cape Town Marine & Shipping Law: Well-organized site with a great collection of links, many relating to the martime law of South Africa.
- International Commercial Law: Interesting site with lots of original material on commercial law, including trade and maritime law, mostly from an Australian point of view.
- Lloyd’s of London Press Limited — Maritime Law Brief: Contains original, topical articles regarding maritime law in the US, UK, South Africa and Greece, updated monthly. Nourse & Bowles, LLP is the sole author of the US portion of this interesting site
- Cargo Port Links: Information and links to over 130 ports throughout the world.
- Fairplay : One of the largest collections of maritime resources and links.
- Company Database: Searchable database providing basic information on maritime-related companies.
- Ports Database: Searchable database providing basic port information.
- Ships Database: Searchable database providing basic ship information, such as vessel type, deadweight, year of build and operator.
- Hieros Gamos – Transportation Site: Well-organized site covering a very broad range of issues falling under the categories of space, aviation and admiralty law.
- International Maritime Organization (IMO): News, briefings, summaries of IMO conventions and full-text IMO papers on a variety of relevant topics, as well as many links relating to the maritime activities of member states.
- Maritime Historical Virtual Archives: Interesting maritime miscellanea, including images of historical ships and information on antiquarian bookshops, museums, shipmodels, masting and rigging, the duties of officers and crew and seamanship.
- Lloyd’s Register: Searchable site includes information on classification, ship, offshore and land-based services, publications, products and news.
- NSnet: Very large collection of commercial and non-commercial maritime links.
- Seaports Infopages: Information and links to a number of sites regarding ports in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America.
- Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association: Comprehensive descriptions of the history and current events of this 25-year old shipping organization which now has chapters in over 22 countries.
- Internet Maritime Links: Good set of maritime links.
- American Society of Naval Engineers: Information on ASNE, including links to naval engineering sites.
- The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers: Information on SNAME and links to annotated maritime sites, some available only to members.
- Lloyd’s of London Press Limited: Wide-ranging site combines freely available and subscriber news and information relating to the maritime and shipping industry, including law, insurance, energy, casualties, commodities, ship schedules, employment opportunities and more.
- Aus Ship P & I Club
- London P & I Club
- North of England P & I Club
- Through Transport Club
- UK P & I Club
- Steamship Mutual
- Atlantic Container Lines (ACL)
- Alianca Lines
- APL Limited
- Australia-New Zealand Direct Line
- Canada Steamship Lines
- Cho Yang
- Columbus Line
- COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)
- Crowley Maritime Corporation
- CSAV-Sud Americana de Vapores
- Eimskip – Icelandic Steamship Co. Ltd
- Evergreen
- Great Western Steamship
- Hanjin Shipping
- Hapag Lloyd
- Hyundai Merchant Marine Co.
- K Line America, Inc.
- Lykes Lines
- Maersk Line
- Matson Navigation Company
- Nippon Yusen Kaisha Line (NYK)
- Ocean Tug & Barge Engineering
- Orient Overseas Container Lines (OOCL)
- Royal Nedlloyd
- P & O Nedlloyd
- Senator Lines
- Sunmar Container Lines
- DFDS Tor Line
- Wilhelmsen Lines (USA)
- Yang Ming Lines
- Zim Israel Navigation Co.
- American Shipyard, Newport, Rhode Island
- Atlantic Marine, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida
- Bender Shipbuilding & Repair, Mobile, Alabama
- Cascade General, Portland, Oregon
- H.W. Ramberg, Inc., Brooklyn, New York
- McDermott Shipbuilding, Morgan City, Louisiana & Veracruz, Mexico
- Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Virginia
- Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock Corporation, Norfolk, Virginia
- Peterson Builders Inc., Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
- Testbank, Southampton, U.K.
- US Constitution and Related Documents: Constitution in searchable form and scanned originals of key US documents. An award-winning site.
- United States Code: Entire USC searchable by keyword, citation, title and/or volume.
- Federal Register: Interesting site with searchable databases, including the most current Federal Register.
- Congressional Record in searchable database.
- Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE): FRE in a searchable database.
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP): FRCP in a searchable database.
- United States Judicial Branch Resources: Useful site with access to US statutes (including Popular Name Table), regulations, judicial opinions, court rules and law journals.
- Government Documents and Information Center: Many government documents, including administrative rules and regulations, census information, directories, patents and trademarks, statistics, technical reports and treaties.
- Government Printing Office (GPO): Searchable site with vast number of documents offered by the GPO.
- THOMAS — Legislative Information on the Internet: Searchable database covering the entire US legislature, including the present Congress, bills, the congressional record, committee information and the legislative process.
- The Federal Web Locator: The primary directory to governmental and quasi-governmental web sites.
- US Federal Courts: Contains contact information and online collection of caselaw from the Supreme Court (1906-present), federal circuit courts (usually mid-1990s to present) and some state supreme and appeals courts.
- Guide to the World: Searchable database relating to hundreds of nations.
- International Law Materials: Great database, including large treaty collections, law journals and materials relating to GATT, NATO, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Union, and the United Nations and more.
- International Trade Law Materials: Very useful site, including key US laws relating to international trade, international trade agreements, international organizations and links to related sites.
- International Trade Law Monitor: Wealth of searchable information on international trade including treaties, conventions, and a comprehensive subject table of contents.
- Library of Congress Guide to Nations: Well-organized database listing numerous links to sites regarding hundreds of nations.
- Government Information Services: Links to Government servers and information.
- European Union: The main site of the EU, available in 11 languages, contains news and information on EU institutions, policies and law.
- Harvard Law School Law Library – International Collection: Excellent annotated links to foreign laws, treaties, international organizations, human rights, immigration and other areas of international law.
- National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade: Latin American legal database includes links to related sites and trade reports (requires subsription).
- United Nations: The primarty site to the UN has lots of information and resources.
- U.S. Code, Title 9: Federal Arbitration Act : Text of the Act.
- American Arbitration Association: General information on the AAA, including a directory, the rules and procedures under the AAA and more.
- Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc.: Basic information on the SMA, including rules and procedures of the SMA, members, ethics and the Federal Arbitration Act.