What to do

In case of accidents

More Shipping and Maritime Links

  • Coast Guard (USCG): Great information, rules, regulations and documents on marine issues, including marine safety, environmental protection, and law enforcement. A very useful site.
  • Department of Commerce (DOC): Information on business, trade, and the economy with links to a number of related sites.
  • Department of Justice (DOJ): Searchable site of the US government’s own law firm, including topical index, news, information on the Freedom of Information Act and links to related sites.
  • Department of State (DOS): Interesting site, including information on US foreign policy and state department services, including passports, visas, travel warnings, embassies and consulates, and “Background Notes” on the world’s nations.
  • Department of Transportation (DOT): Searchable site covering all DOT entities, including the Coast Guard, the Maritime Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Searchable site, including EPA regulations and relevant US statutes.
  • Federal Maritime Commission (FMC): General information relating to the FMC, including publications, news releases, strategic plans and, most notably, recent decisions and rules.
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Information on consumer protection, business guidance, competition, the economy and news and publications. Also includes rules, guides and advisory opinions.
  • Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS): INS forms, relevant laws, regulations and information on the various activities of the INS.
  • Maritime Administration (MARAD): General news and information on MARAD and a good set of links relating to US-flag carriers, American shipyards, American ports, maritime education and maritime history.
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Great information relevant to the weather and the environment.
  • National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB):Basic information about the NTSB and its activities, including some of its more prominent investigations and a list of publications regarding accident and investigation reports which can be ordered free of charge.
  • National Weather Service: Data on the current weather (primarily US), forecasts, extensive climate data, including historical data, some for a fee.
    • Marine Information: Interactive and searchable site providing access to recent analysis and forecast data for weather and marine information and archival information, some for a fee. Click on “Real Time Buoy Observations” and “Interactive Marine Observations” to access detailed, current marine information collected by sea buoys around the world.
  • Office of Administrative Law Judges, Longshore Collection : Information on the Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Act.

Text of Relevant Sections of the US Code and US Constitution:

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